Listen to the revellers
The New Year
Serenading Time
In her glittering robes –
Yet little do they know
That she will be back
In robes of mourning black.
For she is like a woman
Of all faces and moods.
She waits for none
And all succumb
To her ominous call.
She is unconquerable
She slips out of hand.
She bewitches
And yet she betrays.
All pay homage
To her –
Lay offerings
Of Beauty and Life
At her altar.
Yet she is generous
And grants
Wisdom and Experience –
She heals all wounds
She is no harlot
She cannot be bought.
And those who squander her
Must pay the price
She is eternal
Desirable and precious –
And men are only mice.
Vanita Shukla Hork, 1983
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Ridiculously good Vanita, I never cease to be amazed that you could write such poetry at that early age.
Thank you so much, Steve, that means a lot to me.🙏
Love your poetry, Vanita , another beautiful one from your tender youth. ❤️❤️ Vibeke.
Thank you so much, Vibeke, I’m so glad you liked it 🙏 Happy New Year❤️