I wrote this poem in 1985, 17 years old, for a dear friend. A friend is someone who has seen you in every light and still accepts you. The poem is sad and nostalgic in its tone. Compare this poem to the happier note expressed in Grace, also from 1985.

What shall I pen for you

My Friend?

You know all the verses

The verses of my youth

My girlhood and womanhood.


What robes shall I wear

For you?

You have seen me in strength

In the dignified robes of strength

You have seen me

In rags of humiliating weakness.


What shall I unfold to you?

You have seen the light

And the darkness of my soul

You have seen my spirits soar

And then plunge into murky depths.


You have known the lies

Of my poor existence

This false grandeur you have seen

My pretences are mere pretences

You know that very well.


But you have seen my Truth –

Haven’t you?


Tell me –

Who was she?

That creature who enthralled others

With nuances of expression

And changing moods?


Who was that shimmering creature

Who seemed to glow all over

With the love of life?


Where did she go?


So –

What shall I give you

My Friend?

How shall I repay

This debt of friendship

To you?


Vanita Shukla Hork, 1985


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