I wrote this poem in 1984, 16 years old. It contrasts the heat of desire and passion with the coldness of denial. The philandering lover will ultimately return – the lost soul will find its true home. Karma will triumph
To The Philandering Lover

I wrote this poem in 1984, 16 years old. It contrasts the heat of desire and passion with the coldness of denial. The philandering lover will ultimately return – the lost soul will find its true home. Karma will triumph
Orchids is one of my newer poems, from 2019. It is a sweet, gentle poem with a message of hope. Compare this poem to another newer poem, Positive Abundance (2021), with its message of hope and healing. The orchids on
I wrote Positive Abundance in 2021. We can heal from heartbreak and suffering and end karmic cycles, bringing positive abundance into our lives. I recorded a video with this poem for Author’s Week at a Middle School in Long Island,