Soul is the fourth book in the series of my poems written as a young girl, Memories from another Lifetime. It was published on 12 August 2023, and it is dedicated to all old souls – may you find your
New release! Book 4 – Soul

Soul is the fourth book in the series of my poems written as a young girl, Memories from another Lifetime. It was published on 12 August 2023, and it is dedicated to all old souls – may you find your
I wrote Ascension in 2023. It is part of the series called Twin Flames, and describes one of the phases of this spiritual journey. Compare this poem to Phoenix, written in 1988 at the age of 20. Similar sentiments 35
Full moons have a very personal and spiritual significance for me. They symbolise a time of completion, transformation, release and ending of soul contracts. I wrote this poem for the full moon in Virgo in 2022. Compare this poem to