I wrote Denial in 1984, 16 years old. The poem is about denial of oneself and betrayal of another. But the Faithless One will return in the end, one cannot deny a passionate love. Compare this poem to To The

I wrote Denial in 1984, 16 years old. The poem is about denial of oneself and betrayal of another. But the Faithless One will return in the end, one cannot deny a passionate love. Compare this poem to To The
Many of my poems have an undertone of spirituality. I wrote I Flee, I Fly in 1986, 18 years old. It explores the complex nature of spiritual pain – the pain of the soul. Compare this poem to Ascension, written
I wrote Autumn Again in 1986, 18 years old. Just as summer leads to autumn, so does girlhood give way to womanhood. Autumn embodies the true passion of Nature. Compare this poem to Woman – 1 (1982) which describes a