Have you ever seen the snow
That covers all life?
The dormant trees and flowers?
The birds who no longer sing?
Why do I feel so sad
When I think of the greenery
That once surrounded
This little shelter of mine?
Have you seen the snow
That is so majestic, so cold and distant –
Like a beautiful woman
So soft, like a baby’s skin –
So fair, like milk?
Have you seen
The misty, cold air
That rejuvenates old souls
And enchants young hearts?
The sun is coming out
And the snow, the beautiful woman
Smiles sparklingly
Unto the handsome sun.
Vanita Shukla Hork, 1981
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Snow is the jewel of winter and is depicted majestically with this special poem.
Thank you so much, Steve 🙏 It is amazing to think that my poetry began with this poem – it is special.