Letting Go is part of the series of poems called Twin Flames. One of the key phases of this spiritual journey is acceptance, and to realise when soul contracts must end. Endings are simply new beginnings, and transformation is necessary for growth. Letting Go is about empowerment. Compare this poem to Leaving from 1987. The soul has matured.
Let him go.
Can you hold a river
In your hands
Can you catch the wind
With your fingers?
Let him go.
Let him flow
Let the sunset mourn him
Let him glow.
Feel him in your song
Where does he belong?
Not with you.
You cannot lose
What you never wanted
I cannot lose
What l never had.
I must have been mad.
Let him go.
My prayers will follow you
Lest my love swallow you –
I’ll let you go.
Vanita Shukla Hork, 2020
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