I wrote Denial in 1984, 16 years old. The poem is about denial of oneself and betrayal of another. But the Faithless One will return in the end, one cannot deny a passionate love. Compare this poem to To The

I wrote Denial in 1984, 16 years old. The poem is about denial of oneself and betrayal of another. But the Faithless One will return in the end, one cannot deny a passionate love. Compare this poem to To The
I wrote Waiting for Reunion in 1985, 17 years old. In stark contrast to The Visit, also from 1985, this poem describes the simple hope of being reunited one day with the one you love. He lives beyond The light
I wrote Perfidy in 1985, 17 years old. It describes the pain of betrayal, especially from the one who was loved and trusted. Compare this poem to the defiant tone in Phoenix (1988) – despite betrayal, the soul remains undiminished.